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Bhagyashree Kevav Shinde

Bhagyashree has visit the University of Mumbai for arts and science.

She has from nature a talent for drawing and painting and an extraordianary feeling for colours.

Her absolutely specialty are Indian Culture Paints but also fluid abstracts and Nature paints.

Its amazing to see her how she paint with accuratnes and patience.

The results are always astonishing and and well accepted from so many arts lovers

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Burkhard Baier

Burkhard Baier , born in Germany, got his talent from his grandfather who was a professional artist. Paintings and woodworking was the main arts he done. But also other family members work as professional artist in painting.

Burkhard earned his first money with paintings while he studied physics and he never give up this hobby.

He always say: Painting is my passion and i hope i can enjoy people with my paints. Paintings is a possibility to express your feelings.

Burkhard Baier is influenced by his physical background, always searching for new things and that you can find in his paintings too. Concentrating on only one style is not his world, experiments with different technologies and different materials is his style. Doing creative things in painting is  not his only work, he also design parametric furniture and deco items and sometimes he combine all the kind of arts in one piece. 

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